Sunday, April 7, 2013

Spring is here!

What a glorious day. Finally we can go out without our heavy coats. Yeah! The Kindergarteners were overjoyed (and their teachers too!).  Once the door was opened, the Kindergarteners quickly ran out and began play of every imaginable type. In the Messy Materials Area some were “building a house” as others decided to climb a tree. In the Dirt Digging Area some Kindergarteners were “digging for a treasure” while others ran around playing “Winx fairies.” In the Mud Kitchen Area a few friends chose to create an elaborate meal that included “beats, strawberries, string beans, corn, cabbage soup, carrots, and healthy chocolate.” In the Music and Movement Area some friends lounged around soaking up the sun’s warm rays while another choose to fly a paper airplane.  In the Pond Area one Kindergartener decided to “clear all the rocks to make a waterfall and to make space for more water and a new pond.” Ah, the wonderful joys of outdoor play.  Time spent playing outside is so valuable.  Children experience gains across all developmental domains in direct proportion to time spent in the great outdoors.

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