Saturday, April 13, 2013

Español con Kindergarten: Los colores y los cinco sentidos (The colors and the five senses)

¡Bienvenidos familia, amigas, y amigos! Welcome! During our previous clase de Español, it was Sophie’s turn to choose our destination to a Spanish speaking country. After our traditional morning greeting, she suggested we head to Republica Dominicana

Once settled in a círculo, we each took a turn in sharing our favorite color. An inflatable globe was passed around. Once it was on our lap, we were encouraged to say, Mi favorite color es... and finish the statement by saying our favorite color using the Spanish vocabulary. The most popular choices were:

rojo (red)
azul (blue)
rosa (pink)
verde (green)
morado (purple)
amarillo (yellow)

After each of us took a turn, we then reviewed the Spanish vocabulary for the five senses, los cinco sentidos, and played the Swatter Game.   

veo – I see
toco – I touch
huelo – I smell
oigo – I hear
saboreo – I taste

We finished our class with our traditional ¡Adios. Hasta luego! song and Sophie squeezing la vaca. ¡Gracias, Sophie!

¡Hasta nuestro proximo viaje!


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