Saturday, April 20, 2013

Nature Walk for Signs of Spring

At our recent Science class, we got the opportunity to go for a nature walk. During our stroll, we were encouraged to use all our senses to observe signs of spring. This walk allowed us to explore and discover the changes in the plants and trees as we observed their buds. We marbled at the sight of beautiful tulips as we attempted to duplicate its beauty on paper. We also heard the sounds of birds chirping and squirrels scurrying around. This was also a great chance for us to incorporate our Spanish learning of the vocabulary for the senses as we were asked to share;

Qué ves con tus ojos?-  (What do you see with your eyes?)
Qué oyes con tus orejas? - (What do you hear with your ears?)
Qué hueles con tu nariz? - (What do you smell with tour nose?)
Qué tocas con tus dedos? - (What do you touch with your fingers?)

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