Monday, April 29, 2013

A new theme emerges ....

Upon culminating our Human Body Study, the Kindergarteners were left thinking about what our next study might be. “I have an idea”, said Sania. “We can keep studying about the body and study about the inside of bugs.”  As others around us heard this conversation, they too got excited. Perhaps the idea was sparked from the book we read during rest time, James and the Giant Peach, or from observing insects and bugs emerge outdoors.  Whatever their inspiration, we are ready to responsd to their interest. And so, our Insect Study commences.

We asked the children what they wonder about:

Neil – “How does the ladybug make that stinky smell?”
Cara – “How can you hear crickets chirping?”
Jade – “Why do bees need pollen?”
Saniya – “How does the insect that sticks on his legs (fly), how can he do that? ”
Sophie – “Why does spiders have eight legs?”
Matthias – “Are girl flies and boy flies called girl flies and boy flies because the boys grow bigger than the girls?”
Luc – “Why is a spider not an insect?”
Sania – “Why do mosquito bugs buzz like bee?”
Oliver – “Why do bees die when they sting?”
Shelby – “How does the bumblebee sting us?”
Hayden – “Do caterpillars have anything to protect itself?”
Sameerah – “If bees sting somebody, are they dead?”
Maura – “Why do only girl mosquitos bite?”
Jason – “How do you know if a fly isn't a bee?”
G.K. – "How do bugs turn into chrysalis?"

Then, to experience the life cycle of some bugs, we ordered ladybug larvae, a praying mantis egg basket, and Painted Lady Butterfly Caterpillars. To learn a bit about these little critters, we read various non-fiction books.  We are excited to see where this study will go!

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