Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Seed Germination

One of the most wonderful things is to watch a seed germinate over the time.  Most of the time, that process happens under soil and students don't get to witness it.  In Kindergarten today, we made seed viewers, which will allow us to view the process over time.  As part of this experiment, the students used beakers and pipettes to carefully wet their paper towels, and then dropped seeds between construction paper and a clear cup to make their "seed viewer".  They also recorded Week 1 of this experiment by drawing their experiment after it was all set up.  Students made predictions as to whether or not they thought the seeds would grow without soil.  Here are a few of their thoughts.  "The seeds can't grow if they are not underground."  "If they have water, they will grow."  "The paper towel might be like the soil."

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