Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Resource Classes and more...

The children have experienced all of their resource classes, and they love them all!!  Here are a few pictures from Spanish with Alisa, Music with Aiden, and Science with Roseanne.  There are also a few other snapshots to give you more glimpses into your child's experience in kindergarten thus far.  They are having fun!  They received notebooks for writing and drawing.  We give them time to explore books around the room, and they are thrilled to "read" them with their friends.  We have read a few books by Robert Munsch, and they are hilarious!  We are cultivating a joyful relationship with reading and writing.  We are open with the children about how some of them are better readers and writers than others.  Part of our work around diversity is to help the children realize that it's okay to be at different levels of skill in different areas.  We acknowledge that we are all working on getting smarter in different ways, teachers included!  Making a mistake is an opportunity to learn something new!

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