Thursday, September 19, 2013

Book Sharing

Today we had our first Book Sharing.  We are telling the children that they can bring books from home, and then they can have a turn being the "teacher".  They sit on a stool in front of their classmates and tell them about their book, and then they call on their friends for questions and comments.  We ask that you help your children choose books from home that are considered Children's Literature.  This means books that are not based on Popular TV shows, movies or toys.  We would like the school environment to be minimally affected by the pervasive consumer influences.  Book Sharing will quickly morph into a general sharing time.   They are permitted to share either a book from home, something from nature, or something they made.  We find it is empowering for the children to sit in front of the class and run the show.  This is one of the many ways that we foster their leadership skills and build their confidence.

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