Thursday, March 14, 2013

Library and our theme of study

During Library, Gwen has made a connection with our Human Body study. She read various books on the topic and then invited the Kindergarteners to an activity. Gwen asked them to partner up and take turns tracing each other’s body on a big piece of paper. Afterwards, she asked them to fill in some of the internal body parts which make our human body so amazing. As they drew, each Kindergartener was encouraged to share what they were illustrating. She was astonished to see how much knowledge the Kindergarteners had.

Maura: "I'm doing the wind-pipe"

Sania: "I am doing the heart and then the blood cells"

Cara: "I'm going to add the arteries."

Neil: "I added the blue veins and the brain."

Oliver: "I did the veins and arteries and the heart."

Matthias: "I added the kidney and I'm finishing making the bladder. I added the cells,the heart, the platelets, knee joints and elbow joints and then this, red and blue veins."

Jade: "I added the red and blue veins."

Sameerah: "I'm doing the esophagus."

Sophie: "I'm drawing the veins, red veins."

Saniya: "The stomach."

Shelby: "The blood."

G.K.: "Look. I added the veins and the arteries."

Luc: "I did the feet, the heart, and the lungs."

Jason: "I did the lungs, the phalanges, the brain, the spinal cord ... that's it!"

Thanks Gwen for this great activity to reinforce our learning!

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