Sunday, March 31, 2013

Culminating our Human Body Study

The most essential component of the Project Approach theory is that the theme comes from the ideas and interest of the children. This concept allows for the children to feel highly motivated and actively involved in their own learning as they become researchers and scientists, enabling them to grow as individuals and collaborators. Our Human Body Study has certainly been a tremendous learning experience for all.  Even though it was the Kindergarteners’ choice of study, the teachers have gained knowledge as teaching and learning are seen as interactive processes.

To represent their learning, throughout the study the Kindergarteners participated in creating a 3-D model of the Human Body which they named, Skelly. Using different types of materials from our classroom and homes, they have crafted various internal human body organs and labeled each one. 

Also, on a sheet of paper with an outline-body shape, the Kindergarteners drew and labeled some of the organs and their function within the body. They did the same activity prior to our study, and it was amazing to see how much knowledge the Kindergarteners had gained when comparing the one they did at the beginning of our study to the one at the end. 

And, as a final representation of their joyous learning, the Kindergarteners devised a song to include their new found knowledge of te human body. The children were so proud to perform the song during our Assembly before Spring Break.

by Raji and Alicia’s Kindergarten Class of 2012 - 2013

Your brain sends the messages all around.
Your teeth help you chew.

Your trachea takes the air down to your lungs and
Your spine helps you bend.

 Your fibula is connected to your tibia.
The muscles pull your bones and that helps you move.

And your ears help you hear

All the sounds around
And your eyes help you see
All the things in the beautiful world

Your phalanges help you pick things up
Your femur helps you run.

The arteries bring oxygen all the way to your body
You veins bring the blood back to your heart 
Again and again and again


Your kidneys clean your blood for you
And your skull protects your brain

Your rib cage protects the insides for you
And your cells make up your skin

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