Sunday, March 10, 2013

Kim's visit

Last week we had the good fortune of a visit from Sophie’s mom, Kim.  Kim stopped by to share with us another very important part of our human body, the digestive system.

Kim first brought out a tray of vegetables and placed it in the center of our Morning Meeting circle. She invited the Kindergarteners to give suggestions as to what was so special about the tray. Cara responded, “Because it’s healthy.” Saniya said, “So we can grow stronger.” “To get us more stronger, healthier and happier” was Sania’s reply. It seemed that everyone agreed with them.  The tray indeed had very healthy treats that were good for our bodies. Kim explained to us that Sania was correct in saying “happier” because there are foods that affect our moods. Some foods can make us feel happy and some foods can make us feel sad. Making healthy food choices can make us feel very good.

Kim talked to us about the importance of our digestive system. “It is important because it allows our body to break down the food.” She mentioned that the pancreas, liver, and gallbladder help digest our food.  Kim explained that after we chew food with our teeth, enzymes help break up food into tiny pieces then travel down the esophagus and into the stomach. The process continues there and passes through the small intestines where the nutrients are absorbed. Then, the remainder filters to the large intestines and eventually our body gets rid of it. Fascinating!    

After much discussion on the digestive system, we got the chance to eat the delicious vegetables accompanied with hummus and ranch dressing. Thank you, Kim! It was a scrumptious treat. It made us all very, very happy.

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