Wednesday, March 20, 2013

2nd graders, The Storytellers

The 2nd graders have been exploring the ancient tradition of oral storytelling. Each student has been assigned a short story that she or he would learn to tell. As they became more familiar with narrating their story, the 2nd graders were encouraged to add gestures, voices and actions to the telling of their story. In preparation for their Storytelling Night, a few 2nd graders stopped by to practice their art of storytelling.

Jabril's story, "The Little House"

Isabella's story, "Like Meat Loves Salt"

Al's story, "The Argument Between the Sea and the Sky"

Samantha's story, "The Rat Princess"

Sarah's story, "Sneezy"

The Kindergarteners were mesmerized. Some eagerly shared their thoughts.

Hayden: “I liked them.”
Saniya: “The stories were nice.”
Jason: “They were funny.”
Matthias: “I liked the “Sneezy” one!”
Sania: “I like the princess story.”
Neil: “I really liked that story where the kid sneezed and blew everything around.”
Luc: “I liked the story about the mouse in the house and the bear sitting on him.”

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