Thursday, October 24, 2013

Seed Study

We have been engaging in many seed related activities in kindergarten.  We have examined seeds closely, we have drawn seeds, we have flown seeds in the air (when they have been especially poofy), we have read books about seeds, we have written about seeds, and we have planted seeds.  We have also counted seeds and graphed seeds.  We made estimates on how many seeds were inside a tiny pumpkin and worked with ten frames to count them.  Ten frames are useful tools for learning how to count by 2's, 5's, and 10's.  They are also helpful in developing an understanding of addition and subtraction.  Here are some pictures of the children exploring ten frames and seeds.

Soon we will begin representing the life cycle os seeds.  We have been pondering what materials to use to accomplish this goal.  It is always an adventure when we have the children lead us in inquiry.  I wonder what materials they will decide to use...

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