Friday, October 4, 2013

Catching up!


Dear Parents, Raji and I had not realized until recently that I did not had access to the childrens' blog. So below is a brief summary of the activities in the classroom:

- Using puppets Alejandro (a blue dog) to teach the children greetings such as buenos días or mucho gusto. They have also learned that sometimes when you greet, you give a kiss in the cheek to one another. Hence, the kinds learned to say "un besito" (a small kiss).

- We have traveled with Alejandro to different countries in Latin America and learned the names of mediums of transportations: avión, tren, barco chiquito.

- We have sang a few songs such as El Chocolate and El Barco Chiquito. But their hearts and minds is set on a dance/song called "Conga, Conga". If you ask them, they will be able to show it to you!

- This week we reviewed numbers from 1 to 10 and today we introduced them to numbers from 11 - 20 with bingo.

- In each class we try to open with some physical exercise, breathing, and a minute of silence. Then we close with un abrazo en grupo (group hug) or some other greeting.

NOTE: As soon as I resolve some technical difficulties, I will post some photos and videos.

Dancing their favorite song!

Playing with dices to learn numbers

El minuto de silencio
(The minute of silence)

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