Thursday, October 10, 2013

Gym Math

In Gym today, the children practiced their number recognition and counting skills.  They moved from number dot to number dot.  Each time they encountered a new number, they had to throw their ball in the air the number of times indicated by that dot.  This is another example of how curriculum is integrated at AFS.  When Mr. C announced that we would be doing Math in Gym class, the children responded enthusiastically.  We asked them, "How many of you like Math?"  Immediately all of their hands went up.  It is no small task for them to try to split their concentration between keeping track of the number of times they have thrown the ball and physically throwing the ball in such a way that they can then catch it on the way down.  This was an excellent whole brain activity!  We continue to reinforce the central concept that learning is fun!  This is common knowledge to young children.  It is our job to ensure that they continue to experience learning in this way as we venture into more challenging tasks.

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