Thursday, October 31, 2013


The kindergarten artists have been very busy creating in the art class. We started a construction and architecture unit that emerged out of the kindergarteners' fascination with legos and building blocks. 

The students used imaginative thinking to design their own series of buildings on a street. Some friends even chose to collaborate and make a huge castle!

Using cardboard and recycled materials we discovered strategies to make our buildings stay upright. We found that supporting walls, stacking things and reinforcing them with tape helps our creations stay together.

We then learned about the color families of 'warm' and 'cool' colors. The students chose one color family with which to paint their buildings. We will be adding even more decorations next time.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Photography, language and culture

Dear Parents,

I know this is last minute but I wanted to give you information about an interesting event this coming Friday. A colleague of mine, Tony Rocco, is the founder of an NGO that engages children - from North Philly and a neighborhood called La Florida, near Cali, Colombia - in a cultural and language exchange program through photography.

Tony and his students are having a fundraiser event this Friday. It seems like a good opportunity for AFS' Lower School students to interact with middle school students from North Philly who already have some experience in cultural exchange and language learning.

Besides, you will get to do some bowling and eat pizza!

P.S: I will be there on Friday some time between 6 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.

Free Concert For Students - November 6!

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Bingo y el escondite

In continued attempt to learn, reinforce and put learning into a real context but also a fun activity, in kinder we have being playing a couple of games to learn the numbers from 11 to 20: bingo and el escondite (hide-and-seek).

Students are very quick at picking up the numbers and have sooo much fun while playing. Here's an updated version of the video (thank you Kathy!).

Friday, October 25, 2013


Everyday there is a pattern next to the items on our morning schedule.  Sometimes it is a number pattern and sometimes it is a color or shape pattern.  Sometimes it is a combination of elements, and sometimes the children come up with pattern ideas for the morning schedule.  We talk about how there are repeating patterns, growing patterns (2,4,6,8...), and random patterns.  A repeating pattern is one where you can accurately predict what is coming next.  We practiced making repeating color patterns with unifix cubes recently.  It is always inspiring to see how quickly and completely children immerse themselves in activities like this.  They are all so naturally creative and excited to express their discoveries!

Thursday, October 24, 2013

EC Extended Day's Whimsical Blown Ink!

Our Extended Day students made the most amazing Ink Blown illustrations! It is an open ended creative project that encourages students to use their imaginations. For inspiration, we read the book It Looked Like Spilt Milk. First, we dropped a puddle of ink onto a sheet of paper. Next, students then blew the ink through a straw. Once they had the form and shape they liked, they tried to imagine what their shape could be turned into. They used their creativity to illustrate details with markers and colored pencils to make their shape come alive. Every single one of the illustrations is an amazing work of art!

Sneak peak at Extended Day's next art project!

Here's a sneak peak at what Extended Day's next art project is going to be!
Can you guess what we could be making?

Some of our supplies include...

The Giving Tree Book,

Painting leaves with watercolors,

Tree made by friends with words of kindness.

Stay tuned!

EC Extended Day's Chinese Names and Zodiac Signs

During Extended Day, Shengjie taught friends a few things about Chinese background and culture. Each friend was given his/her name written in Chinese and what the meaning behind his/her Chinese name is. Some friends drew a picture based on the meaning of their Chinese names. With some help from their teacher, friends practiced writing their name in Chinese. 

Next, friends worked with their teacher to figure out what their Chinese birth year Zodiac Sign is.  Friends that are 3 years old are born in the year of the Tiger; and our 4 year old friends are born in the year of the Ox. Last, our 5 years old are the year of the Rat. Once friends figured out which year they were born in, they cut out their animal and glued it to their sheet.  Each friend could not wait to share their new Chinese information with their families at pick up time. 

Stay tuned, because friends will be learning a special Chinese song!