Monday, January 21, 2013

Our "Hospital"

Our theme of study on “Our Body” continues to grow deeper and stronger.  By unanimous vote, the Kindergarteners have decided to turn the Dramatic Play Center into a hospital. What a fantastic idea!

For the inside of our hospital we have added a pair of crutches, a couple of (needleless) syringes, a (needleless) IV, a few lab coats, x-rays prints, charts, stethoscopes, and much more.  We even added small skeletons in our Sensory Box. The doctors and nurses have been working around the clock putting all these materials to use as they care for the sick ... and healthy too!

On the outside of our hospital, we have added a roof as well as a door entry made out of cardboard. The Kindergarteners have decorated the outside “wall” to include a Red Cross logo by using red tape. There has been talk about naming our hospital and many have contributed their ideas. Soon, we will be taking a vote.

Have a headache? Something hurts? Need a hug? Make sure to stop in and have our professionals help you feel better.

If any of you would like to volunteer to come in to our classroom in the role of Body Expert, let us know and we can schedule a fun activity/question and answer session.  Also feel free to bring in medical supplies (child-friendly, of course) to donate to our hospital.

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