Tuesday, January 15, 2013

A Flubber shower

Flubber is a great favorite around our classroom. Every now and then we make this gooey substance and it is loved by all. Is it a solid ... or a liquid? By mixing just a few simple elements, the children enjoy being scientists as they ask themselves this very question. The ingredients consist of mixing warm water with Elmer’s glue, Borax detergent and a few drops of food coloring. Once these are all mixed together the children squish, mix, and break up the flubber to get it fully combined. It is a slimy, sticky, messy job that no Kindergartener can resist.   

The Kindergarteners love the sensory experience of this entertaining and malleable substance.  They use it to create many things. One favorite is “cookies and putting them in the oven.” Using the holding cubbies in the Art Center, the children place their trays of flubber cookies “to bake."
This past week we decided to take our flubber experience to a different level. Intrigued by the question, “How long can flubber stretch?”, we decided to hang it up and see of ourselves. See for your selves what happened ....

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