Thursday, January 17, 2013

Jeff’s visit

In connection with our current theme of study, “Our Body”, we invited Jeff to come in and share his knowledge. Jeff, Jade’s daddy, is a physical therapist whose role is very important in the health care environment. Jade’s sister, Jasmin, and her classmates (The Doves) also joined us as we had learned that they too are studying the human body.

After introducing her daddy, Jade explained that Jeff “takes care of people’s body to help them feel better.” Jeff spoke to us about our spinal cord and the important role it plays between our body and our brain. He mentioned that it is the “cord that controls your body.” Jeff told us that our body has 206 bones but “over 300 when we’re first born.” He brought with him a spine model to show us what the spinal cord looks like and how many bones it is made up of. We learned that our spine is made up of three sections. The top section which is attached to the neck is called the “cervical spine.” This section has 7 bones. The middle section is called the “thoracic spine” and this section has 12 bones, most of which are attached to our rib bones. And, the third section of 5 bones is called the “lumbar spine.”  Jeff told us that it is this section that is the most important as it is the one that mainly gets hurt. That is why it is essential that we excersice and eat healthy foods to help our bones grow strong and healthy.

How exciting! Thank you, Jeff for all your teachings. We learned a lot!

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