Monday, January 14, 2013

A Theme of Study Emerges

As we commence a new year, the Kindergarteners have embarked on a new theme of study. A simple question posed by Hayden has led to an intense interest in learning about the human body.  One afternoon during lunch Hayden asked, “Why can we eat strawberry seeds and raspberry seeds but we can’t eat cherry seeds?” One kindergartener replied, “I know. That’s because they’re too big to swallow than you get a tummy ache and you die.”  Another chimed in , “You don’t die. You just get very, very sick and go to the doctor.” One of the teachers responded by saying that it has to do with our bodies and how certain foods are easier to digest than others. Well, this answer evoked one Kindergartener to ask, “What does digesting food mean?” And, so our new journey began. When we asked the Kindergarteners if they would like to learn more about how our bodies work a unanimous roar of approval was heard.

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