Monday, November 26, 2012

¡Noticias de Alicia!

¡Saludos a todos; familia, amigas, y amigos! Greetings to all! I bet you have been wondering why I wear that gorgeous vest. Well, you see language acquisition happens naturally and subconsciously when we are surrounded by another language. My goal is to spend the first few minutes of each class speaking in English to the children as I explain the day’s activity. As the children gain some comprehension of the Spanish language, I will then present the introduction of the day’s activity in Spanish. I have presented to the children my red sequin vest and explained that when I put this vest on, it indicates that I am the Spanish teacher, and therefore I will be speaking solely in Spanish. We will volar (fly) to Spain and other Spanish speaking countries at the beginning of each class session and once we land, we will all do our very best to speak in the language of that country, Spanish. This transitioning activity also allows for the children to gain an awareness of the 21 countries where Spanish is the official language.

During our clase de Español, we have been practicing using the Spanish vocabulary words to describe the parts of the tree.  

Tree - árbol
Crown – copa
Branches – ramas
Stick – ramita
Leaves – hojas
Trunk - tronco
Roots - raíces  

To support our learning of these new vocabulary words, we sang the following song. And, to help with the kinesthetic learners, there are hand motions with the song. Ask us how it goes...


Son las partes del árbol
Son las partes del árbol
Son las partes del árbol
Son las partes del árbol

¡Hasta nuestro proximo viaje! (Until our next flight.)


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