Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Integrating Technology

The Kindergarteners’ interest on trees continues to grow and we were so excited to have the opportunity to look at some different types of trees during our Technology class. Using our classroom SMART board, Michelle displayed a few photographs of some “cool” looking trees. They were some amazing sights! Some trees looked like “mushrooms”, others looked like “upside down canes” or “upside down question marks” and yet others looked like “they’re dancing Hawaiian.” One tree was so big that it had “a big hole in it” and a car was driving through it. Wow!

After our viewing, Michelle invited us to the SMART board to draw all the parts of the tree. We each took turns at drawing one part; the crown, the trunk, the branches, and the leaves. Some friends decided to draw some of the things that “help the trees grow bigger” such as dirt, the sun and rain.

After that activity, we were encouraged to sit and draw from memory one of the trees we liked the most from those shown on the screen.  Drawing from memory helps us to think visually and confront our artistic vision, as we each think of which elements of the tree we select to actually sketch. Ask us which one we choose. 

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