Friday, November 30, 2012

Nature Journals

Our “Nature Journals” are finally done! Connecting with nature and bringing our learning outdoors was the motivation behind this handiwork. Learning experiences that facilitate development in every domain such as math, language arts, writing and reading should not be limited to the indoor classroom solely.  Using recycled cereal boxes, the Kindergarteners now have their very own Nature Journals.

What is a Nature Journal you might ask?  It is for creatively recording one's observations of nature. As the Kindergarteners use their Nature Journals, they can deepen their understanding about the intricacies of nature. They learn to express their responses to nature through illustrations and writing. Through these experiences, they are developing visual discrimination skills, fine motor skills, and their spatial awareness.

Yesterday the Kindergarteners were given the choice of “trying them out.” Some friends chose to take their journal out with them during their Outdoor Play time. From the particulars of the playscape, to the surrounding trees and bushes, the Kindergarteners were quickly immersed in deep observation of their surroundings.

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