Saturday, February 16, 2013

Español con Kindergarten: colores

¡Saludos a todas las familias, amigas, y amigos! During our recent clase de Español, we began with our traditional morning greeting song, “Buenos dia amigos, Buenos dia”.  Afterwards, it was Sameerah’s turn to choose our destination. As she looked at the map that states all the Spanish speaking countries, Sameerah pointed to Argentina. We then spread nuestras alas (our wings) and pretended to volar (fly) to this country en avión (on plane). Upon our return, we settled into this Spanish speaking country and gathered in a círculo.
Next, we reviewed the Spanish vocabulary words for some of the basic colores. Using cards that depicted each color, we reviewed the Spanish word and placed the cards on the ground. To build energy for learning, we sang the following to the tune of Frère Jacques. 

Red is rojo
Green is verde
Blue, azul
Negro, black 

Yellow, Amarillo
Purple is morado
Gray is gris
Brown, café
Games are a great tool for building language skills. Therefore, after singing we played an enjoyable game of the “Swatter Game.” Two players at a time are given a swatter. A color is called out in Spanish.  Then, using the cards displayed on the ground, the “swatter” swats the correct picture that matches the word. Afterwards, each swatter is asked to pasalo (pass it) to the person next to them. After each Kindergartener had a turn, they invited the teachers to join in the fun. Since Debbie Green was visiting our class on this morning, she too was invited to the challenge. Each Kindergartener took a turn at calling a color in Español while Debbie and I swatted the corresponding card. What a fantastic time we had.  It really is amazing how competent the Kindergarteners feel when speaking in the target language.

 We finished our class with our traditional ¡Adios. Hasta luego! song and Sameerah squeezing la vaca. ¡Gracias, Sameerah!

 ¡Hasta nuestro proximo viaje! (Until our next flight.)


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