Wednesday, February 27, 2013

4th Grade Study: Colonial times

The 4th graders have been exploring everyday life during Colonial times and the culminating event of their study was a Colonial Trade Fair. The Kindergarteners got the chance to visit their classrooms and explore the culture of this era. Here are some photos of our experience. Ask us about it!

Human Body Study

We have studied the musculoskeletal system, the nervous system, and now we are finishing up our study of the circulatory system.  We have added veins and arteries to Skelly, as well as a heart and lungs.  The children have been fascinated by the concepts of white and red blood cells and platelets.  They are so deeply engaged in this study.  It is fun to see so many opportunities to connect this study with our daily routines.

We have been reciting a poem daily...

Body like a mountain
Breath like the wind
Mind like the sky

There are corresponding movements with this poem.

Body like a mountain means sit up tall, stack your vertebrae like a tower, relax the muscles in your shoulders and face, and strengthen your core muscles all at the same time (not a small attentional feat!)

Breath like the wind means breathe in deeply, feel your rib cage getting bigger and smaller as you breathe in and out, think about how the oxygen is going into your lungs and turning the blue blood red.  Then the red blood carries the oxygen to all your cells to keep you healthy.

Mind like the sky means become calm and peaceful.  Feel happy that we all get to be together as a group of friends who are kind and loving. 

Further connections await us as we begin our study of the digestive system.  We will be sure to apply our new knowledge to snack and lunch times.