Thursday, October 18, 2012

Trees and Shapes

We have our new play structure in our outdoor playscape, and the children are ecstatic!  While admiring it, the children noticed two things.  It is made from trees, and it has many shapes.  We decided to go on a shape walk through the school, and the children felt very grown up with their clipboards and pencils.  We wandered through the hallways noticing how many shapes there are around us.  We talked about the various attributes of each shape, and we practiced drawing one on our recording sheets as we saw them.  We couldn't find any trapezoids until the end of our shape journey, and the children were so excited to finally have one to draw on their papers!

We have been learning the names of shapes in Spanish, and we also went on an outdoor shape walk. The children could hardly contain their excitement as they found shapes all around them!  It is inspiring to see such joy in discovery.

We had an interesting discussion about trapezoids, squares, and rectangles.  They all have 4 sides and 4 corners, and yet they are different shapes!!

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