Monday, October 1, 2012

¡Noticias de Alicia!

¡Bienvenidos familia, amigas, y amigos! Welcome! For this school year, 2012-13, I will be teaching Spanish to the youngest members of our AFS community and I couldn’t be more excited. In fact, our journey has already begun. During our “clase de Español” (Spanish class), we have been practicing words for greetings. My aim is for our Kindergarteners to demonstrate an understanding of Spanish words used when greeting someone as well as common and polite gestures such as a hand shake or a wave. The phrases we have been working on are:

¿Cómo estás?  (How are you?)

¡Muy bien, gracias! (Very well, thank you!)

¡Asi, asi! (so,so)

No muy bien, gracias. (Not very well, thank you)

¡Hasta luego! (See you later)

¡Adiós! (Good-bye)

We have also been practicing on how to ask ones’ name.

¿Cómo te llamas? (What is your name? or the literal translation, How are you called?)

¡Me llamo, _______! (My name is ______! or I am called ________!)

So, go ahead and give it a try! Practice at home with your child how to ask each others’ name and greet one another in Español.

Until my next “noticias” (news) ....


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