Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Food Day

Health and Fitness

This past Wednesday, October 24, was Food Day. This is "a nationwide celebration and a movement for healthy, affordable, and sustainable food.” In honor of this day, Nikki (our Middle School Health and Physical Education teacher) stopped by our classroom to do an activity with the Kindergarteners. Both kindergarten classes got together and Nikki did “a little vegetable quiz” with all the children. She brought a range of vegetables with her, from the usual such as carrots to the more complicated such as cauliflower to the more obscure such as rutabaga.

Nikki arranged groups of five so that each group can work together at guessing which vegetable she would display. Once the group came to a consensus, each child took a turn at writing their guess on a piece of paper. What a great activity to expose us all, the young AND the old, to new and different vegetables. Also, this activity helped the Kindergarteners develop and practice a range of early literacy skills such as active viewing and listening, making predictions, comparing and contrasting, expanding oral vocabulary, associating spoken and written words, listening to and identifying sounds in words, developing fine motor skills through handwriting, and much, much more. Thanks so much Nikki!

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