Saturday, October 20, 2012

Community Building w/ 3rd grade

One of the many ways in which we foster relationships with others on campus is through our partnerships between grades.  As Kindergarteners, we get the chance to partner with Felix’s and Karolye’s 3rd grade class.

We paid them a visit this past Friday and gathered for Morning Meeting. Everyone got the chance to greet one another, “Kindergarten style.” We sat down in a circle and one by one we stated our name and then “passed the peace.” Afterwards, we sang Bob Marley’s song “Don’t worry about a thing...”


Following our greeting, the 3rd graders were asked to share their thoughts about why we have moment of silence and what does it mean to them. One of the third graders replied, “It’s a time to get your bad feelings out and not worry about things” and another answered, “It’s a time to relax your body and share something.” And yet another responded, “You can share your mistakes too!”

Thank you 3rd graders! We are looking forward to many more times together.

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