Sunday, May 12, 2013

Stewardship Meeting for Worship

Last week we had the opportunity to have our annual Stewardship Meeting for Worship outdoors. This is an experience that the entire Lower School shares on an annual basis that allows us all the opportunity to reflect on our amazing blue and green planet.  It was a truly special and magnificent experience under the misty rain. We met on the center grassy area between the Lower School Building and Tyson House and listened to Shannon (our first grade teacher) as she read Chief Jake Swamp’s book, Giving Thanks: A Native American Good Morning Message. Afterward, we settled into silence as we settled our bodies while listening to the sounds and seeing the sights and textures all around us, all the while feeling the light raindrops falling upon us. A magnificent experience indeed! 

As a stewardship act, later that afternoon the Kindergarteners got together and released the ladybugs from their Ladybug Land. These little critters are beneficial to our environment, because they prey on tiny insects that can destroy crops and gardens. As part of our Insect Study, we observed their growth from larvae to adult ladybugs and it was time to set them free. We gathered in the Garden Area at the EC Nature Playground and each Kindergartener took a turn in sending along a message with the ladybugs’ departure.

Jade: “You’re the greatest animal cause I loved you.”

Saniya: “We’re going to miss you. You were the best pet we ever had. Never forget you. I love you.”

Matthias: “We all love you in Kindergarten.”

G.K.: “I loved you. Why don’t you show me how to fly?”

Hayden: “I liked having you in our classroom.”

Shelby: “I love you!”

Sameerah: “Have a good trip!”

Luc: “I hope you have a nice trip.”

Maura: “I love you.”

Jason: “We’ll all miss you.”

Oliver: “You are very pretty things.”

Neil: “Bye-bye ladybugs. I love you!”

Sophie: “I hope you like your new home.”

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