Saturday, May 4, 2013

Arbor Day

What a glorious day it was to celebrate our traditional Arbor Day event. Arbor Day is an event in which the entire AFS community participates, and all families and friends are invited to attend.  It is a day where we all gather together to celebrate the blessings of spring and reaffirm our school’s commitment to caring for the earth.

The ceremony includes tree planting by the seniors and their first grade partners. Each takes a turn at shoveling soil onto the roots of two trees to be planted, honoring each class.  These trees are seen as symbols of growth, for as they grow and flourish the hope is that so too will the children here at AFS. The other events that surround this ritual include Upper School students reading poems about nature, seniors transfering leadership to the junior class, and lovely melodies sung by the Upper and Middle School choruses.  At the end of the ceremony, everyone walks over to the maypoles to watch the third grade, the sixth grade, and the seniors dance around them.

But, if you ask the Kindergarteners, it was the grand finale that they enjoyed the best, receiving water ice upon our return to our classroom.  Thanks Home and School! 

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