Monday, May 20, 2013

Another glorious day for our Outdoor Classroom

This past week was glorious! The Kindergarteners had the opportunity to enjoy an abundance of outdoor play and exploration.  We strengthened our muscles as we ran, jumped, and climbed. We intensified our sensory experiences with dirt, water, sand, and mud. We improved our social skills as we played cooperatively with each other. We relaxed and enjoyed lunch outdoors.  We breathed fresh air as we listened attentively to a read aloud about ants and then participated in a sculpting group activity of an ant. Three stations were set up for each of the three parts of the ant; head, thorax and abdomen. We then ended our week by releasing the butterflies that had emerged. What a magnificent week.

Our goodbye messages to our butterflies…

Please find some sweet flower nectar.

I wish you are safe.

I wish we could see you fly more.

I hope you live your whole life.

I love you in our classroom.

I hope you don't get eaten by the praying mantises that we let go.

I hope you have a good life.

I like your colors.

I love you.
-      Shelby

I will miss you and I hope the praying mantises don't eat you.

I hope you have a good life and get some flowers to drink.

I hope you are good and I hope you have nice days.  I hope you live forever.

I love you.

I hope you find good nectar.

Don't get eaten by the praying mantises.
I hope you find good nectar.

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