Thursday, May 30, 2013

A school full of talent

Without a doubt, AFS is a school full of talent of all ages. During our assembly, we had the opportunity to listen to different grade level students share their newly learned skill on the guitar, piano, or violin. One could almost feel their accomplishment and pride as they performed. What a lovely way for them to express themselves.

There were also two students who taught us a little bit about the ancient sport of fencing. Both of them are enrolled in a fencing program and wanted to share their skills with our Lower School community.

The 4th graders too disclosed their talents by planning and implementing AFS’s traditional 4th Grade Fair.  Although the weather hampered their ability to hold the Fair outdoors, everyone enjoyed a great time indoors playing games and spending time together as a community. The Kindergartners had so much fun! There were games, prizes, a “junk” sale, water ice, baked goods, and face painting. Once we returned to our classroom, we got the chance to play with our newly purchased items while enjoying a cool lemon water ice. Yummy!


Saturday, May 25, 2013

EC Potluck Dinner Celebration

Right after the Memorial Day weekend, on Tuesday, May 28 from 5-6:30 p.m., we are having an EC  Pot-luck Dinner on our nature playground. We know that it is a busy time of the year and this day on our very busy school calendar was the only one available.  We hope that your family will join us.

We do need to try to get an idea of a head count and what families will bring to the pot-luck.  If you have not already done so, please sign-up in your child's classroom (or outside of the door.)  If you do not see this e-mail in time to  sign-up, please e-mail Debbie at  with how may people will be coming (adults and children) and what you are able to bring.

Also, as seating is limited, please feel free to bring a blanket or folding chairs.

¡Esperamos verlos allí! We hope to see you there!

Thursday, May 23, 2013


I Dream A World Of Blue
An AFS Early Childhood and Lower School Spring Program
Friday, June 7, 2013
1:30 p.m.
Abington Friends School Muller Auditorium

~ Spring Program Performance Attire ~
All lower school students should dress in black shirts
(a collared shirt or a blouse) and long, black pants.  Students are welcome to add a blue accessory as a way to connect to our program theme (a blue bowtie, blue hair accessory, a blue scarf, etc.)  We encourage students to be creative with this choice!  Students are welcome to bring their concert attire clothing to school on Thursday, June 6, 2013.  All students will be given the opportunity to change at school on Friday morning prior to the performance. 

Please note that all students will be involved in movement activities on stage and should wear pants and comfortable shoes (no heels, sandals or flip flops please).
We look forward to celebrating our accomplishments with you on Friday, June 7th in the 
AFS Muller Auditorium beginning at 1:30 p.m.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Another glorious day for our Outdoor Classroom

This past week was glorious! The Kindergarteners had the opportunity to enjoy an abundance of outdoor play and exploration.  We strengthened our muscles as we ran, jumped, and climbed. We intensified our sensory experiences with dirt, water, sand, and mud. We improved our social skills as we played cooperatively with each other. We relaxed and enjoyed lunch outdoors.  We breathed fresh air as we listened attentively to a read aloud about ants and then participated in a sculpting group activity of an ant. Three stations were set up for each of the three parts of the ant; head, thorax and abdomen. We then ended our week by releasing the butterflies that had emerged. What a magnificent week.

Our goodbye messages to our butterflies…

Please find some sweet flower nectar.

I wish you are safe.

I wish we could see you fly more.

I hope you live your whole life.

I love you in our classroom.

I hope you don't get eaten by the praying mantises that we let go.

I hope you have a good life.

I like your colors.

I love you.
-      Shelby

I will miss you and I hope the praying mantises don't eat you.

I hope you have a good life and get some flowers to drink.

I hope you are good and I hope you have nice days.  I hope you live forever.

I love you.

I hope you find good nectar.

Don't get eaten by the praying mantises.
I hope you find good nectar.