Monday, December 3, 2012

Language Arts Workshop

As kindergarteners develop, their curiosity about writing and reading grows even stronger.  They want to know how to make their letters just right, and they want to improve their reading skills.  During our Language Arts Workshop, children practice making letters with slates, wet sponge pieces, and chalk.  They also make letters out of our letter sticks and in their handwriting books with pencils.  The children also engage in games which offer them practice in the four areas of language arts; reading, writing, listening, and speaking.  Sometimes children will make books, play zingo, practice reading, write in journals, solve word puzzles, or play word bingo games.  We work intentionally with the children to stay connected to their natural joy in learning.  In the mind of a kindergartner there is little difference between play time and work time.  They approach every experience with an open mind and a sincere desire to enjoy whatever is presented to them.  It is in this spirit that we present academic work to them, and they respond with interest, engagement, and enthusiasm.  Establishing a strong foundation of the love of learning during this school year will carry them forward through their academic careers with a more positive attitude towards learning.

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