Friday, February 28, 2014


This past Tuesday we celebrated our 100th day of school!  The children were thrilled by the magic of the number 100.  Here they are counting to 100 by tens using their fingers!

Today we performed our Kindergarten Plays!  The plays were about making the world a better place through kindness and stewardship, and they were inspired by the work of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Our cast party was off the charts!!

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Citizen Science - The Great Backyard Bird Count

This weekend, spend a bit of time outside doing something for the birds and being a part of this amazing international program.  It's a great thing to do with the whole family!  This post also comes from my favorite science for kids website, called Science News for Students and you can find by clicking this link.  If you're stuck indoors, it might be fun to read some of the articles with your children!  It's a terrific resource.  Have a great weekend of science and see you all on Tuesday!

A weekend for the birds

Take time this weekend to count birds for citizen science as part of the Great Backyard Bird Count.
In many parts of the northern hemisphere, February is a time of year full of snow, gray skies and cold. But while we can curl up indoors with hot chocolate, our feathery friends must take what the weather throws at them. This weekend you can head outside and join them — if only briefly. And even if it’s cold, keep in mind that you’re braving it for a good cause: science.
The Great Backyard Bird Count runs February 14 to 17. It offers an opportunity not only to learn more about the birds in your area but also to help scientists study birds the world over. Started by the Cornell Lab of Ornithology and the National Audubon Society, this event relies on the help of citizen scientists — people from all walks of life who collect real scientific data (often just by observing the world around them).
All you have to do is go outside and count every bird you see or hear for at least 15 minutes. You can sit in one spot, take a nature walk or do anything else. Just keep your eyes open and ears alert to any feathers or chirps. Write down how many different types of birds you saw and heard. An online guide can help you figure out which species you witnessed.
Then log onto the Great Bird Count website. After creating an account, pinpoint your location on the map provided. Now enter your data. Still unsure what to do? Instructions and a video guide on the website will walk you through what you need to do.
The birds you count over the weekend will help scientists get the big picture of what birds are wintering where. Remember: Every extra set of eyes and ears can really help.

Power Words

citizen science   Scientific research in which the public — people of all ages and abilities — participate. The data that these citizen “scientists” collect helps to advance scientific research. Citizen science means that scientists can get data from many more people and places than would be available if they were working alone.
ornithology  The science of the biology and behavior of birds.
species  A group of similar organisms capable of producing offspring that can survive and reproduce.

Friday, February 14, 2014

San Valentín

¡Feliz Día de San Valentín!

May this day bring you a lot of joy, love and warmth. In a day like today I think of many people, but today I'm remembering my students. They have brought a lot of affection and happiness in my life. Therefore, I would like to give you a little Valentine's gift.

We have had to go through a really tough winter season so far. Physical activity and exercise is important to fight the "winter blues." My favorite indoor activity with the children during Spanish is to bailar (dance)! Please click here to listen a song and dance called "Conga, Conga." Do not worry if you don't know how to dance to this song, your children will teach you!

P.S: They know a slight different version from the one shown in the video.

Wondering on Valentine's Day...


Although we have no school today
I’m wondering where you are
Are you home or out to play
Are you near or far?

Did you like that snow that came
with that great big storm?
Were you safe inside your house
and keeping very warm?

I wonder if you’re thinking about music
On this special day
Are you singing or dancing
in your own unique way?

I want to send you something
that will travel through the air
From my house to yours
It will float without a care

I’m sending you my love
On this Valentines Day
And wishing you hugs and happiness
Both at home and away

Monday, February 10, 2014

Literacy and Mathematics

Today we read Caps For Sale by Esphyr Slobodkina.

The children had fun acting out the roles of the monkeys in the story!  We have been doing more acting in our classroom lately in preparation for our upcoming production on February 28th. Interacting with text in different ways builds listening and comprehension skills.

     We also did some dinosaur addition.  We used our imaginations to set them up in different scenarios and created number sentences for them!