Sunday, March 16, 2014

Body Study

We recently discussed the various areas of current interest in our classroom for the purpose of choosing our new theme of study.  As we shared about our interest in the human body, one student said, "I am very interested in finding out about how people die."  Many hands were raised, and many children shared this interest.  It is indeed a fascinating concept.  We decided that we could unravel this mystery a bit if we learned more about how our bodies work.  We have spent time asking questions about the body, and reading about the body.  We are currently studying the senses, and we were lucky to have a visit from an expert on the eye yesterday.  Grace and Gus' Abuela Clara is a Veterinary Ophthalmologist.  The children were fascinated to hear about how waves of light enter the eye through the pupil and become the images that we see because of the brain's ability to interpret the signals from the nerves.

We gave the children an outline of the human body and asked them to draw what they think is inside our bodies.  We will repeat this activity at the end of this study to show them how much they have learned.

We now have in our classroom The AFS Friendship Hospital! We have a talented team of doctors ready to assist you with any medical care that you may need.  

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