Thursday, December 19, 2013

Holiday Sharing and Diversity

After a lovely Meeting for Worship in the Meetinghouse yesterday, we cane back to our classroom and had a fun time decorating Christmas cookies!  Brian Duggan and Grandma Karen brought in some delicious tree shaped cookies, frosting, and sprinkles!   As many holidays are celebrated this time of year, it is an excellent opportunity to talk about how different people have different beliefs and traditions.  Our conversations have led us to the discovery that we have many things in common as well as many differences.  We talked about how it's okay for some to believe in Santa Claus and for others not to.  We also noticed that we have different skin colors, and then we read a book called, "The Skin You Live In" by Michael Tyler.  We even paired up and and took time to notice and find out what is similar and different about ourselves and our friends.  We celebrate our diversity!

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