Friday, November 22, 2013

Writer's Workshop

During Writer's Workshop the children rotate through a variety of skill building activities.  At this age, children are filled with curiosity and an eagerness to learn.  When we introduce activities to them it is in this spirit of excitement and fun.

                                             Exploring Letter Blocks - Builds letter recognition and decoding skills                                                  and phonemic awareness (symbol-sound correspondence)

                                           Journal Writing -  Builds fine motor, letter formation, and decoding skills                                              and  phonemic awareness

                                          Handwriting - Builds letter formation and fine motor skills and phonemic                                             awareness
                                          Reading Books - Builds letter recognition, word recognition,  and decoding                                           skills and phonemic awareness

Remember to find time to read to your child as they lie in bed or sit on your lap.  It is an experience that you both will treasure forever, and it helps them to cultivate a love of literature!

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