Saturday, June 1, 2013

Español con Kindergarten: Mas con los Insectos (More with the Insects)

¡Bienvenidos familia, amigas, y amigos! Welcome! During our last clase de Español, it was Cara’s turn to choose our destination to a Spanish speaking country. Following our morning saludos, she recommended we head over to Cuba. 

Once we arrived and settled in a círculo, we read Lisa Trumbauer’s book, ¿Qué es un insect? / What is an insect?

Afterwards, to reinforce our learning, we played a fun game of “The Swatter Game.” To connect with the five bugs that the Kindergarteners are researching, we used a picture of each of those bugs to play.

vocabulary words:
mariquita – ladybug
mariposa – butterfly
mantis religioso – praying mantis
abeja – bee
libélula – dragonfly


Once the Swatter Game was over, we then broke into our “research teams”. Each member of the team was given Model Magic to sculpt the bug they were researching. As a guide, each team was giving a book that had photos of their bug and a 3-D model too. As a starting point, the Kindergarteners were encouraged to start by sculpting the three body parts of their insect:

vocabulary words:
la cabeza – the head
el tórax – the thorax
el abdomen – the abdomen

We finished la clase with our traditional ¡Adios. Hasta luego! song and Cara squeezing la vaca. ¡Gracias, Cara!

¡Hasta nuestro proximo viaje!


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