Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Thank you!

A big heartfelt thank you! ¡Un millón de gracias! Each of your children has brought such joy and happiness to our classroom. We were so fortunate to have such a wonderful group of children this year. They all have touched our lives and that of our school community in very positive and meaningful ways. Thank you for entrusting us with your most precious possession!  We would like to wish you and your family a future filled with joy and success in all of your endeavors.  Know that our doors are always open to you and your children for a hello and a hug.  Remember - Make new friends, and Keep the old...

In peace...
Alicia & Raji

Everything Day!

 Here’s to “Everything Day.” Some of us wore our favorite dress-up costume and some of us dressed in our pajamas. We built castles in the block area and an airport landing in the MagnaTile corner. Some of us helped make a homemade pizza for snack and ate fruits as a side. We then changed our clothing and got into our swimming attire and headed outside for a fun-filled sprinkler event. Wow! Awesome fun! A small pool was added to the amusement too. Everyone had so much fun. We then came in for lunch and then back out again for more outdoor play. Near the closing of our day, we had a visit from the 1st grade teacher, Susan, who read us one of her favorite stories by Henry Cole, On Meadowview Street. What a delightful tale. Please ask us about it. All in all, it was the best “Everything Day” ... ever!  Here’s a glimpse of our day...